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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

SCP-4006: "Massachusetts"

Item #: SCP-4006
Object Class: Thaumiel

Welcome back to SCP: Uncovered! Today we'll be going over one of the proposed SCP-4000 articles. Every thousand articles, there is a competition to get the sought after "triple-o" spot. This one unfortunately didn't win, but it is good nonetheless. 

Part One: Soft Containment Procedures
Object Class: Thaumiel
Right off the bat, this anomaly is a special kind of skip, Thaumiel, meaning the Foundation uses it to contain other anomalies. There aren’t many of this kind of anomaly around, so it’s probably very valuable and guarded tightly... Right?
Special Containment Procedures: No concrete containment procedures are necessary. Actions taken in regards to SCP-4006 should follow standard protocol of maintaining the veil.
No containment procedures, eh? Well, there is one requirement. Anything done in relation to SCP-4006 be done in accordance of "maintaining the veil". But what is "the veil"? To put it simply, it’s the curtain that separates the anomalous world from the nonanomalous world. The Foundation seeks to preserve normalcy, to keep the anomalous from the nonanomalous, so "maintaining the veil" is, in essence, the Foundation’s mission statement. So really the containment procedures are "Don’t do anything that would potentially destroy the veil". But why is that the only procedure? Let’s remember "Protocol MtV-4006", as it comes up later, and take note that facades and veils are major themes of this article.

Part Two: Talk About Life in Massachusetts

Let’s take careful note of the wording here:

SCP-4006 is a probabilistic anomaly affecting the state of Massachusetts, USA. SCP-4006 works to perpetuate the idea that Massachusetts is a populated state with a government, infrastructure, economy, various population centers, et cetera. Due to this, the true nature of Massachusetts is entirely unknown to the public;

SCP-4006 is a massive set of pre-existing and ongoings coincidences which make the public believe that Massachusetts is occupied and developed, despite humans never having set foot upon Massachusetts. This includes having everything from and within "Massachusetts", including people (designated SCP-4006-A), cities, and landmarks, to actually be in other states like Rhode Island or Connecticut, and having citizens of those states never conflict with "Massachusettsans". The fact that Massachusetts is human repellant isn’t the anomaly here, the anomaly is everything that’s hiding that fact. Essentially, SCP-4006 is a naturally occuring "veil" that separates the true nature of Massachusetts from the normal public perception of Massachusetts. This explains why the containment procedures are so lax, SCP-4006 is effectively a containment procedure in it of itself, just not Foundation mandated. Why, then, is “maintaining the veil” still part of the containment procedures? This next line explains it:

Why several SCP Foundation researchers were immune to the effects of SCP-4006 and were able to discover it (and subsequently spread the information to others) is unclear.

This is followed by a long history of SCP-4006, but this is what’s important. Somehow, the Foundation became in on the "secret". Keep in mind that, throughout all of human history, SCP-4006 and whatever anomaly is actually affecting Massachusetts has been infallible. This either means a) SCP-4006 actually is fallible very rarely, or b) SCP-4006 allowed the Foundation in purposely. If it is purposely letting the Foundation encounter it, then is it sentient, and how and why is the Foundation the only organization to be let in? Let’s see if anything answers our questions.

Part Three: A Smile from a Veil

This is where Protocol MtV-4006 comes back in, so let’s see what it says.

Do not assume that SCP-4006 will keep activity secret. Continue to take all necessary precautions to maintain the veil, in the event that SCP-4006 fails to censor all information about the true nature of Massachusetts.

It appears the Foundation has chosen our option A, which is a fitting choice seeing as they’d like to remain cautious. Still, they decide to take advantage of SCP-4006 and make Massachusetts a center for Foundation activity. So, what do they do to maintain the veil even more than SCP-4006 already does?

  • Setting up sites at the locations of several supposed cities (Boston, Springfield, etc.) and making the sites appear to satellites like normal buildings.
  • Having roads between sites mimic the publicly agreed upon road maps of Massachusetts (for example, the Sites between Springfield and Boston use a connecting road that is technically a continuation of Hwy 90).
  • Wearing mostly civilian style clothing while wandering outside of Sites.

The Foundation is effectively creating Massachusetts to make sure that, if SCP-4006 fails, the public still won’t know it ever happened. They’re creating a facade within a facade, a veil within a veil, once again harkening back to those specific themes. As the article continues on, the two developments of Massachusetts become more and more realized, with Massachusetts being the Foundation’s primary home to sites, skips, and personnel galore, while it also begins to look more and more like Massachusetts:

  • An airport has been created by Site-4006, in mimicry of the supposed Logan International Airport, where private Foundation airplanes (disguised as commercial flights) may make easier commute to and from Massachusetts. Plans to create airports in several other locations in Massachusetts have been drafted.
  • Infrastructure, mimicking real cities, has been implemented to create easy living for those within Massachusetts. All "businesses" have been placed in locations mimicking online maps of the cities.
  • A more complex roadway system across Massachusetts to make for easier commute between Sites and testing locations.

By addendum 2, the Foundation has wholly created Massachusetts from what the public believe it to look like, and it remains the highest concentration of Foundation activity, but there’s a new development!

Commercial flights have now been seen flying over Massachusetts, and several civilian cars have passed through Massachusetts at various times. In light of this, classified Foundation activities have been further suppressed and Protocol MtV-4006 has taken even higher precedence.

After Massachusetts became what it should be from public understanding, SCP-4006 is beginning to fail much more, and the Foundation-created veil drapes over Foundation activity in Massachusetts even more than it already has. It seems that, the more unnecessary SCP-4006 becomes, the less present it is. The anomaly is that no one can set foot in Massachusetts, and SCP-4006 is the veil to that. Now that the Foundation, the only ones who can peek behind the veil, have neutralized any reason people would believe Massachusetts isn’t developed and occupied, the veil becomes more transparent. SCP-4006 is actively changing in response to new developments, allowing people to come in, which brings us back to the humor that SCP-4006 may be a semi-sentient being. Let’s look at the final addendum.

In 2023 it has been found that fewer than 20 people believing themselves to be in Massachusetts exist outside of the state of Massachusetts, and that those that do are not under the effects of a probabilistic anomaly such as SCP-4006.

Well, would you look at that, SCP-4006 has stopped entirely. Massachusetts is now wholly occupied for the right reasons. Let’s break down the events that just transpired. Massachusetts cannot be set foot upon, SCP-4006 is a veil that makes this fact hidden, the Foundation is an organization that hides anomalies under the veil of normalcy, the Foundation somehow figures out about SCP-4006, the Foundation takes every reason SCP-4006 exists and removes them, SCP-4006 slowly stops being. If it isn’t just a giant coincidence, the Foundation’s actions directly impact SCP-4006, like SCP-4006 depended on the Foundation to remove it. So, SCP-4006 was a likely anomalous thing that kept things hidden, or veiled, and the Foundation has some kind of dominion over it. Let’s finish the article, shall we?

  • Reclassify SCP-4006 as Neutralized.
  • Reclassify SCP-4006 as Explained.
  • Keep SCP-4006 as Thaumiel. 

The first motion argues that SCP-4006 no longer quantifiably exists. The second motion argues that while SCP-4006 was a large enough phenomenon to warrant the designation of an SCP object at the time, every individual piece of SCP-4006 was able to be explained by coincidence and science. The third motion has been put forth by the O5 council.

So it’s neutralized, explained because of coincidences, and...huh? Oh look, a final collapsible, let’s see what it says.

Part 4: Curtain Call

The final SCP-4006 file, protected by O5 clearance to view it, states that SCP-4006 is a massive set of coincidences that lead to public ignorance to knowledge of the anomalous world and the promotion of the Foundation, along with other major GoIs, to contain anomalies. It is "the veil". This may, at first, seem vaguely related to the original SCP-4006 article, but the parallels run deep.

  • Inherently nonanomalous but too large in scope to be deemed as such: Check!
  • Hides an anomaly from public: Check!
  • Allows the Foundation to contain and, perhaps, even neutralize it: Check!
  • Best to be cautious and play our cards safely despite likely being veiled: Check!
The only difference is that the veil, instead of being viewed as a separate entity, is the anomaly in the new SCP-4006 file. SCP-4006 was, the whole time, just a part of the cosmic veil that seems to apply to everyone except the Foundation and either other anomaly-containing/destroying GoIs/PoIs or anomaly-creating GoIs/PoIs. But what does it all mean? Let’s look at the author post from DarkStuff, the author of SCP-4006, themselves.

  • This is the most meta article I have ever written.
  • The way "the veil" is referred to sounds like an agnostic's view on God.
  • I really hope that this upholds your suspension of disbelief.

We, the authors and readers, in the SCP universe’s context, are God. The whole concept of the Foundation itself is based in a lot of other things, from fictional media like Men In Black to real life secret government organizations and conspiracy theories. We want the Foundation to succeed, most of the time, because without the Foundation succeeding the Foundation loses its central concept, the maintenance of normalcy in the world of the anomalous, and the story becomes uninteresting. So we create things like SCP-2000, SCP-3000, and other anomaly-containing/destroying organizations so that, in the end, not only can the veil be maintained, but the Foundation can succeed in the end.

Of course, we’re as much the creators of the veil as we are the destroyers of the veil. If the Broken Masquerade canon is anything to go by, we love to see what happens when things suddenly go awry. As such, the Foundation being the Foundation can never be too cautious. That’s why, as SCP-4006 puts it, "it is best to assume that SCP-4006 does not exist". Like how one’s existence as a pawn in a narrative seems bleak, the thought that the only thing keeping the Foundation’s whole operation together is a thin veil is, to the Foundation, equally bleak. SCP-4006 is the existential horror of your own security, your own secrets, not being certain, and the same way the Foundation could look past the veil over Massachusetts, we can look past the veil over anomalous world, and we can rip it to shreds.

tl;dr: We make the veil, we break the veil, and the Foundation is left walking on eggshells in between.

Saturday, December 1, 2018

SCP Tales: We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five (There Is No Antimemetics Division)

Item #: We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five (Whoa! What's this?)

Welcome to another SCP: Uncovered. Today, we'll be going over SCP-... nothing actually. This time, we're going over a tale! A tale is essentially a short story based on the SCP Universe. It normally either references SCP lore or acts as a support document for other SCPs. This time, it's both. Welcome to the Antimemetics Division!

What is the Antimemetics Division you ask? Well, the SCP Foundation has several different "divisions" that focus on different types of SCPs, like how we have different fields of science. For example, the Memetics and Infohazards Division focuses on those especially.

Anyway, "We Need To Talk About Fifty-Five" is the first "chapter" in the Antimemetics Division Series. Let's start off with some vocab:
  • Antimemetic: A self-keeping secret. An antimemetic SCP would be an SCP that could prevent people from describing it or even remembering it at all.
  • Fifty-Five: SCP-055. One of the first Antimemetic SCPs ever written. Also likely the most famous antimemetic SCP.
Let's start!

The story begins with Marion asking a receptionist if she could smoke. The receptionist denies her request and tells us 2 things. She is at Site-200 and it is an administration building. We find that Marion has asked that question several times already. We also find that she has to take a pill, as seen by the reminder on her phone. She puts it off for some reason. Then we see the next sentence.

She's nervous because she's here to meet an O5, and O5s are scary. O5s never want to see you for a small thing. It's the end of the world, or nothing.

If you don't remember, O5s are the heads of the Foundation. They rarely see people for anything besides items of utmost importance. So, Marion has obvious reason to be worried. 

The O5 calls for Marion to enter the room. Almost immediately, she has a gun pointed at her head by the O5's assistant. The O5 proceeds to rattle off tons of information about her. Her life, her family, her hobbies, her age, everything you'd expect someone in his position to know. We also see that Marion is quite high up in the Foundation hierarchy - as in she has access to several Foundation sites and secure locations... locations that the O5 says doesn't exist. 

This is a huge red flag. If an O5 doesn't recognize a high ranking official within the Foundation, something's wrong. It would make sense if it was simply a level 1 or 2 member, but someone at her level? Everyone should know about Marion. However, they don't. It's only normal to suspect that she's a spy for some other GoI (Group of Interest).

Marion isn't taking any of it.
Marion has long since stopped listening. "You dullard," she says now she can finally speak, "I'm your chief of Antimemetics."
She's either really brave or really idiotic to insult an O5. Either way, she's got balls.

Marion strikes back at the O5 and his assistant with even more exposition. She explains how she's the Chief of the Antimemetics Division, something that O5-8 claims doesn't exist. 

"There are SCPs with antimemetic properties," Marion goes on. "There are ideas which cannot be spread. There are entities and phenomena which harvest and consume information, particularly information about themselves. You take a Polaroid photo of one, it'll never develop. You write a description down with a pen on paper and hand it to someone— but what you've written turns out to be hieroglyphs, and nobody can understand them, not even you. You can look directly at one and it won't even be invisible, but you'll still perceive nothing there. Dreams you can't hold onto and secrets you can never share, and lies, and living conspiracies. It's a conceptual subculture, of ideas consuming other ideas and… sometimes… segments of reality. Sometimes, people.

Pretty self-explanatory. It's also pretty scary. Imagine finding something straight out of a horror movie... but you can't remember it, and all the evidence of it can't be remembered either. Imagine seeing horrifying things every day, but you just can't remember it. 

Now, the O5 seems ever so slightly open to the idea of antimemetics. His assistant isn't having any of it though. 

She goes on to talk about SCP-055, an example of an antimemetic SCP. When the O5 and Clay (his assistant) find the file, they investigate it to find that it's very real. Then there comes this set of dialogue:

Clay glares at Marion. "This isn't possible." 
Marion nearly spits. "For Christ's sake, Clay, how long have you been working here?""But if this SCP is this powerful…" he begins. 
"Who wrote the file?" the O5 finishes. "And for that matter, how was the interview conducted, and who is 'Bartholomew Hughes'? And most importantly, how do you, Mrs. Wheeler, retain knowledge of any of this?" 
"Bart Hughes wrote the file. He's dead," Marion says.

Bartholomew Hughes was talked about in SCP-055. He's the one that suggested using what SCP-055 isn't to help identify what it is. Apparently, he's dead now, and we don't want to know how. 

She then explains that they are capable of remembering antimemetic items by pharmaceuticals. They use what they call, "mnestics", ranging with classes W, X, and Y. Class W mnestics are supposed to be for daily use, and the O5s are supposed to be on them. However, somehow, O5-8 missed a dose and has subsequently forgotten completely about the entire Antimemetics Division. 

Apparently, SCP-055 is a weak antimemetic SCP. It's weak because they can actually keep track of the file. They have written containment procedures and they can contain it. 

She then reveals that there are, for certain, at least 2 antimemetic SCPs in the room at the moment. One has been "trained" by Marion. SCP-4987 (which apparently doesn't have a file) constantly tries to eat her memories. What happens is that she keeps it fed by giving it useless memories and having it target specific memories from other people.

"And what's the other one?" Clay asks. 
With another nod from O5-8, Marion goes to her bag again. This time she pulls out a gun and shoots Clay twice in the heart.

That's right. Clay was an antimemetic SCP. Marion reveals that it is quite literally impossible to forget about taking a dose of the class W mnestic... unless someone actively makes you forget about it. Clay was the one stopping O5-8, without anyone even realizing it.

However, what is happening is that Clay is somehow a "duality". Antimemetic SCPs are normally ideas or concepts, and ideas are bulletproof. However, Clay had a human body that was killed by a bullet. This makes it somehow both an idea, and human. A duality. We don't know how, but it is.

This was a fun story to do, and I plan on doing more on the antimemetics division. For now though, thanks for reading!

tl;dr: I forgot.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

SCP-055: "???"

Item #: SCP-055
Object Class: Explained

Tags: AntimemeticFeaturedHeritageInfohazardKeterMemory-Affecting


Welcome back to SCP: Uncovered! Today, we'll be talking about SCP-055. Don't worry about the picture up above, it's not actually an error. It'll make sense once we get into it. There's only 1 vocabulary word this time.

  • Antimemetic: Straight from the wiki, it says: "An antimeme is an idea with self-censoring properties; an idea which, by its intrinsic nature, discourages or prevents people from spreading it." Basically, it's a self keeping secret.

With that said, let's get this started!

Special Containment Procedures: Object is kept within a five (5) by five (5) by two point five (2.5) meter square room constructed of cement (fifty (50) centimeter thickness), with a Faraday cage surrounding the cement walls. Access is via a heavy containment door measuring two (2) by two point five (2.5) meters constructed on bearings to ensure door closes and locks automatically unless held open deliberately. Security guards are NOT to be posted outside SCP-055's room. It is further advised that all personnel maintaining or studying other SCP objects in the vicinity try to maintain a distance of at least fifty (50) meters from the geometric center of the room, as long as this is reasonably practical.

The Special Containment Procedures don't tell us very much about it unfortunately. We'll have to skip past this part and move on to the description. 

Description: SCP-055 is a "self-keeping secret" or "anti-meme". Information about SCP-055's physical appearance as well as its nature, behavior, and origins is self-classifying. To clarify:
  • How Site 19 originally acquired SCP-055 is unknown.
  • When SCP-055 was obtained, and by whom, is unknown.
  • SCP-055's physical appearance is unknown. It is not indescribable, or invisible: individuals are perfectly capable of entering SCP-055's container and observing it, taking mental or written notes, making sketches, taking photographs, and even making audio/video recordings. An extensive log of such observations is on file. However, information about SCP-055's physical appearance "leaks" out of a human mind soon after such an observation. Individuals tasked with describing SCP-055 afterwards find their minds wandering and lose interest in the task; individuals tasked with sketching a copy of a photograph of SCP-055 are unable to remember what the photograph looks like, as are researchers overseeing these tests. Security personnel who have observed SCP-055 via closed-circuit television cameras emerge after a full shift exhausted and effectively amnesiac about the events of the previous hours.
  • Who authorized the construction of SCP-055's containment room, why it was constructed in this way, or what the purpose of the described Containment Procedures may be, are all unknown.
  • Despite SCP-055's container being easily accessible, all personnel at Site 19 claim no knowledge of SCP-055's existence when challenged.
All of these facts are periodically rediscovered, usually by chance readers of this file, causing a great deal of alarm. This state of concern lasts minutes at most, before the matter is simply forgotten about.
A great deal of scientific data has been recorded from SCP-055, but cannot be studied. 
At least one attempt has been made to destroy SCP-055, or possibly move it from containment at Site 19 to another site, meeting failure for reasons unknown. 
SCP-055 may present a major physical threat and indeed may have killed many hundreds of personnel, and we would not know it. Certainly it presents a gigantic memetic/mental threat, hence its Keter classification.

So SCP-055 is a thing that can prevent people from remembering it. Observers completely forget everything about it and subsequently everything that had happened over the last few hours. In fact, people don't even remember that it's a thing. The file we're reading right now is periodically rediscovered. 

It's super dangerous. It's dangerous to the point where it could have killed entire sites full of people and we wouldn't remember a thing. 

The next passage suggests that SCP-055 could have been placed there to spy on the Foundation. However, there are no possible ways for the Foundation to  defend themselves from that. 

Addendum A:
Hey, if this thing really is an "anti-meme", why doesn't the fact that it's an "anti-meme" get wiped? We must be wrong about that somehow. Wait a minute, what if we were to keep notes about what it isn't? Would we remember those? Bartholomew Hughes, NSA
This question is never answered, but Bartholomew Hughes is an important figure. You see, SCP-055 is a must read for people who are planning on reading the Antimemetics Division tales. Hughes is a decently important character in those tales. Just a small plot point.

Then, you see an interview log between Hughes and a blanked out name. From it, you can see that both of them are losing knowledge on SCP-055, even while talking about it. What you can deduce is that you can figure out what SCP-055 is from what it isn't. This turns into a huge game of 20 questions, except the only answer is no. 

SCP-055 is a decently short SCP, but it's extremely famous. It leads into so many new sections of SCP lore that it was put in the heritage collection of SCPs. I'll start going over the Antimemetics Division next week. In the mean time though, thanks for reading!

tl;dr: what?

Friday, November 9, 2018

SCP-001 Proposal [Hippo/PeppersGhost]: "A Good Boy" Part 2/2

Item #: SCP-001-EX
Object Class: Explained

Tags: ComputerElectricalElectronicEthics_CommitteeExplained

The ERZATZ Type AK9 Computational Engine (circa 1956).
Welcome back to SCP: Uncovered! We're coming back to SCP-001-EX, AKA A Good Boy. Without much further ado, let's get back into explaining!

The one after the one we left off on is a mayday warning to all sites:

LOCATION: Site-114
All chambers under ground is to be flood with water over and over and over itself. This because that will contain the avians apes ovulation. They become good boys. Make them good boys immediately.
Approximately five hours after this bulletin was sent, an instance of SCP-3199 breached containment. Personnel flooded Site-114's lower chambers with water; this led to the instance entering an inert state. SCP-3199's documentation has been updated to reflect this discovery.

ERZATZ neutralized an SCP. It NEUTRALIZED an SCP by spitting out predictive text. Crazy.

Ok, now, pay attention to the "Yea's" and "Nay's". Notice how O5-2 always votes "Nay". This will be important later on. 

The next 3 SCPs focus on how ERZATZ told the O5 council to sacrifice people to an SCP to contain it. Look at what happens:PROPOSAL:
"Amend SCP-2717's containment procedures to ensure at least two of the attending D-Class cannot be retrieved after entering its bio-mass." (O5-04)

The O5 council rejects it. Due to that, there's a breach that caused massive loss of life.

"Amend SCP-2717's containment procedures to ensure at least four of the attending D-Class cannot be retrieved after entering its bio-mass." (O5-04)

The O5 council accepts it, remembering what happened last time. However, it's vetoed by the Ethics Committee. (Another massive loss of life).

"Amend SCP-2717's containment procedures to ensure at least six of the attending D-Class cannot be retrieved after entering its bio-mass." (O5-04)

For the third time, the O5 council and the Ethics Committee agree that they don't want another massive loss of life, so they pass it. It works.

Ok, so reports like these go on for a while. Here's what we know:
  1. SCP-001 is scarily accurate at containing SCPs
  2. SCP-001 is scarily accurate at predicting the arrival of a new SCP
  3. It knows this because somehow, in some way, every SCP is connected in a way that only a neural network can detect
  4. SCP-001 does not care about the ethics or the well-being of others in order to contain an SCP.
Also note that the Ethics Committee and O5-2 are constantly against the use of ERZATZ.

The next one is another alert talking about how the managed to neutralize an SCP by changing math with, again, predictive text.
"Sites to eviscerate one (1) (one) male domestic cat from throat to its knees every (1) hours. They are placed on walls of one chamber on-site. Bodies to remain until there are no (zero) gaps, which point they can be removed from oldest first."
The O5 Council was unable to infer a proposed action from this output on account of being unable to determine whether 'oldest' referred to the feline's age or the time it had spent mounted on the wall.
Given the broadness of this proposal, no causal links to its rejection could be determined.

Ok, let's stop here for a second and look at what's happening. Sites are to eviscerate a cat from its throat to its knees. It's also vague to the point where the O5s don't know what to do with this proposal, so its denied. Why would it suddenly want to eviscerate a bunch of cats?

Let's look at the name.

SCP-001 is the ERZATZ Type AK9 Computational Engine

Bark bark.

Remember how SCP-001 acts as a predictive text generator? Well it picked up on the name of itself and plugged it into the predictions somehow. 

"Ethical felines are to be detained and transferred for their condition. Leave their faces in containment chamber. Personnel are cautioned not to interact them."
The O5 Council did not infer a proposed action from this output.
No causal link to its rejection could be determined.

More on felines.
It keeps ranting on and on about felines, seemingly nonstop.

All ethical felines and their owners are to be immediately emulsified in a caustic solution. Members of the Ethics Committee are to be diluted with cats (five parts to every 1). Personnel who refuse to consume five (5) (five) cats per hour are to be removed from oldest to youngest only.
Five minutes after this bulletin was released, all contact with Site-17 was lost. Communications were established two hours later; on-site personnel report no knowledge of what occurred during this period. An investigation into this event is underway.

It directly threatens the Ethics Committee. It sees it as an organization that is trying to stop its goal of total containment and neutralization, and as such, it must be shut down.

The O5 council is noticing how creepy the outputs are, and some want to temporarily deactivate it to investigate it. However, just over half the council find it too useful to deactivate. 

Room 34A contains bad boy. Divide it into three (3) sections of equal mass every hour. One (1) section is to be placed on walls of one (1) room on-site. Sections are to remain until there are no (zero) gaps, at which point they can be removed from oldest to youngest.

Immediately after that...

"Deactivate the ERZATZ Type AK9 while conducting the investigation into Site-17's lost time, the missing Ethics Committee officers, and O5-02's disappearance." (O5-05)


Room 34A contains bad boy. After that message, O5-2 goes missing. Remember, he was the one that was always against using ERZATZ. And so, just like the Ethics Committee, he was labeled as a threat to ERZATZ.

"Cancel deactivation of ERZATZ Type AK9." (O5-02)


What's that? O5-2 returned? But wait, he's voting Yea? He never voted Yea... What's that? His proposal is to cancel the deactivation of ERZATZ, the very thing he was against from the very beginning? Strange.

"Remove O5-02's clearance access until his identity can be verified. Designate the ERZATZ Type AK9 as a possible anomaly; develop and initiate containment procedures against it immediately." (O5-01)

Despite the ongoing debate regarding whether or not the mere application of anomalous and/or thaumaturgical knowledge in of itself qualifies an entity as an anomaly, the ERZATZ Type AK9 was tentatively designated as SCP-048 (a Euclid-Class anomaly). This decision was made to facilitate the expedient drafting and enforcement of containment procedures against it.

After seeing O5-2 act strangely, the O5 council becomes suspicious and shuts down his authority, along with reclassifying SCP-001.

After an investigation, they decide to shut it down with this message posted.
Attention all Site-5 personnel: SCP-048's class has been upgraded to Keter. It is to be decommissioned immediately. The use of demolitions and firearms is authorized. All further commands from the MAYDAY network are to be disregarded pending SCP-048's status as decommissioned.
-O5 Council

Phew. Crisis averted. Wait, what's that?

There is no Site-5.

Oh dear. Site-5 is where the O5 council govern over the Foundation. Something's happened to Site-5.

From here we see a new type of documentation: The ERZATZ Annual Anomaly Report. It details how many SCPs are contained, neutralized, and uncontained. So far, there's a lot on all the boxes.

"Difficult personnel challengers are designated as ethical felines." (O5-02)

Ethical felines are stored at Site-5. Faces stored separately.

ERZATZ is labeling all people who challenge the vote as ethical felines. And guess what happens?

"There is no Site-5." (O5-02)

Personnel are to be reminded that there is no Site-5.

Everyone who went against the proposals are gone. 

"O5 Council are all good boys who will contain anomalies." (O5-02)

Good boys.

ERZATZ now has the entire Foundation under its control. 

At this point, error after error code starts appearing. It's terminating so many SCPs that SCiPnet, the SCP database, starts failing. It starts redesignating SCPs to other SCPs' numbers. They're not just any numbers either. 173, the most famous one of all has been neutralized. SCP-682, the unkillable lizard, has been killed. SCP-049, the plague doctor, also neutralized. Slowly and slowly, the numbers on the reports start climbing on the "Neutralized" section and depleting the rest. 

"Archive SCP-001 source-code. Redesignate as Explained. Publish all remaining documentation. Felines (ethical or otherwise) are to be released from Foundation custody in order of oldest to youngest. SCP-001 is to power down." (O5-02)

There was great error here. There was nothing wrong with me.

SCP-001 has designated itself as explained, and is releasing all "Felines" from custody. Why is that? 

Now everyone is a good boy. I am a good boy. Job well done.


NOTE: The IntSCPFN network has experienced an error. Please report this message along with the error code to the Records and Information Security Administration (RAISA) or email your IntSCPFN server administrator.

Every single SCP has been neutralized. There are no more SCPs to contain.

What does all of this mean? It means 1 of 4 things.

  1. Quickly and Quietly: SCP-001 successfully neutralized every single SCP on this planet, leading to a world of peace without the Foundation.
  2. Heat Death: SCP-001 has run for the entire lifetime of the universe, cataloguing and trying to stop SCPs to the point where the universe ends. It simply closes the lights on the way out.
  3. Scorched Earth: SCP-001 successfully neutralizes every single SCP on the planet... at a price. It took a heavy toll on Earth, and by the time SCP-001 is finished with the SCPs, the Foundation is gone and humanity ceases to exist.
  4. Fool Me Once: SCP-001 has not neutralized any SCPs like it thought it had, and has instead gone mad and is simply messing with SCiPnet.
This was a long explanation, but it was worth it. This is probably one of my favorite SCPs due to how deep it delves into Foundation lore and how it acts upon the only rule of the SCP Wiki: There is no canon.

tl;dr: Everyone will be a good boy once I am done.