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Saturday, September 15, 2018

SCP-2719: "Inside"

Item #: SCP-2719
Object Class: Keter

Tags: ConceptDoctor BrightKeterSCP

Example of a Computer Science Pointer

SCP-2719 is probably the most complex SCP I've seen thus far. However, it doesn't do this by having complex wording, or having really long descriptions. It does this by putting everything in a cause and effect table. Don't get what I mean? You'll see.

Before we start this SCP, here's some vocabulary you'll need to know. 

  • O5: The heads of the Foundation. There are 13 seats within the O5 council and each person that's a part of it is referred as O5-#. 
  • D-Class Personnel: The "expendable" personnel. Previous canon has suggested that they're prison inmates selected from death row. 
  • Dr. Bright: A researcher who was killed while researching SCP-963. Previous researchers had always committed suicide while researching SCP-963, but he was killed, activating its effects. His consciousness was then put into SCP-963 and whoever wears SCP-963 then, in effect, becomes Dr. Jack Bright.

Now that that's over with, let's begin!
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-2719 should be kept inside. 
A containment that takes only 1 simple sentence? Not only that, it's quite vague. What does it mean by inside? Guess we'll find out in the description.
SCP-2719 is a variable abstract-metaphysical construct pointer.
Whoa whoa whoa. Let's stop here for a second. Variable abstract-metaphysical construct pointer. What in the world does that mean? Let's break this down word by word.

Variable - A variable is essentially something whose value isn't predictable and is subject to change. Think to mathematics, like x or y. 

Abstract-Metaphysical - Abstract means something that exists in thought, but doesn't have a physical or concrete existence. Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with and studies the essence of "things" and means "above the physical". This includes abstract concepts like being, knowing, substance, cause, etc. So essentially, Abstract-Metaphysical means to go even further beyond metaphysics, AKA the essence of the essence of "things". 

Confusing, right? We're just getting started.

Construct Pointer - A construct as a noun means something that is built. A pointer in Computer Science is an object that can reference another value and obtain that value. 

So combining all of those terms, SCP-2719 is a conceptual object that can show or define an unpredictable abstract property of some other object. This is a good place to start. 

Continuing the description...
Further information on SCP-2719 should not be provided to personnel who are both sapient and biological. 
Darn. This is all the information we can get. However, SCP-2719 includes a huge experimentation log, and that can give us all the information we need to crack open this SCP.

Some additional information: The pointer can define something as "go inside" or "become inside". These names somehow affect reality, as you'll see in the experimentaion logs. Let's take a look.

Experimentation Log

Pointer Outcome
2008 Opel Astra Was Inside.
D-5789 Went Inside.
D-5794 Went Inside.
D-5796 Became Inside.
D-5802 Went Inside. Inside Distressed.
Containment Unit 2719-A Went Inside. Inside dies. 

Let's stop here for a moment. So at the moment of discovery, Inside was a 2008 Opel Astra car. The Foundation then decided to test 2719 out a bit. The first 2 D-class personnel go inside. When they try using the pointer on another D-class, the pointer defines him as Inside instead of making him go in. They continue testing and the next D-class gets sent inside, making poor D-5796 freak out. They try to redefine Inside to a containment unit, but that unfortunately fails, killing D-5796 presumably gorily. Ouch.

Containment Unit 2719-B Went Inside.
Containment Unit 2719-C Became Inside.

The Foundation tries a few more times to make a containment unit become Inside. Following that is a few lines of testing SCP-2719 with D-class personnel. Nothing special about that. What IS special, however, is what follows it. 

Oulu, Finland Became Inside.
Population of Oulu, Finland Went Inside. (Successful use as evacuation procedure)

Now this part is interesting. The Foundation uses SCP-2719 to evacuate a city, by designating an entire city as a variable and defining it with the population. Somehow, through some kind of reality-bending, it worked.

At this point, the Foundation realizes how much potential it has, and tries to neutralize one of its most infamous SCPs, SCP-682. Here's what happened:

Containment Unit 682-V Became Inside.
SCP-682 Went Inside. 
SCP-682 Became Inside.
SCP-682 Went Inside.
SCP-682 Went Inside.
SCP-682 Went Inside.
SCP-682 Outside.

So if you don't know, SCP-682 is a keter SCP that has escaped containment so many times and is so deadly, that researchers are trying to neutralize it by any means possible. However, this is extremely hard because it always adapts to the form of neutralization, making it stronger each time. They even tried to kill it by changing the laws of physics, but it simply turned into an exotic form of matter. So, this time, they tried to use SCP-2719.

It seems to work in the beginning, and it appears to be contained for a bit. However, then it adapts, as it always does. "Outside". It either refused to define SCP-682 any longer, or it was somehow redirected somewhere else. Guess they'll have to try something else.

Now from this point on, the Foundation's personnel realize how much power this one SCP has, and try to use it for personal gain and/or vendettas. 

O5 Became Inside.
Dr. Zermelo Went Inside. 
Punishment Became Inside. 
O5-7 Went Inside. 

So it is assumed that Dr. Zermelo, seeking power, decides to set the variable to a position of power, AKA the O5s. He goes inside and presumable becomes an O5, all the while sending O5-7 into a place labeled "Punishment," and most likely takes his place at the O5 council. Sounds unpleasant.

Dr. Bright Became Inside.
Intestinal Distress Outside. (Nice Try)
Intestinal Distress  Became Inside. 
Dr. ████ Went Inside. (Now don't do it again.) 

Now apparently some researcher decides to try and give Dr. Bright intestinal distress, but it fails somehow, labeling it as "Outside." Now Dr. Bright presumably finds out and sends Dr. ████ into Intestinal Distress. 

Now, the pointer is used to evacuate another city again, but this time in Australia. It works out fine. However, now the O5s are interested in SCP-2719. 

Transcendence Became Inside.
O5-1 Became Inside.
Transcendence  Became Inside. 
O5-2 Became Inside. 
Transcendence Became Inside. 
O5-3 Became Inside. 
Transcendence Became Inside. 
O5-4 Went Inside. 
Transcendence Outside. 
Transcendence Outside. 
Transcendence Outside. 

The O5s see this as a chance to "Transcend," whatever that means. O5s 1-3 use the pointer, set "Transcendence" to Inside, and tries to go inside. However, either the pointer or the universe doesn't want to comply with that, so it keeps making them become inside instead of going inside. After they fail, O5-4 comes in and succeeds in "Transcending." 

After that succeeds for him, all other attempts of even making "Transcendence" become inside fails, redirecting to "Outside." Either O5-4 is blocking the path to Transcendence, or the universe only allows one. Either way, O5-4 is going to be the only ascended individual for quite a while.

So let's circle back to the containment procedures.
Special Containment Procedures:
SCP-2719 should be kept inside. 
So what exactly does this mean? It means that SCP-2719 should not only point to Inside, but Inside should point to it as well. Thus, we are containing SCP-2719 inside itself. It should be both the definition of Inside, and what is actually Inside. However, we ignored a line in the description.
Further information on SCP-2719 should not be provided to personnel who are both sapient and biological. 
 The reason for this is because SCP-2719 is currently containing itself. If you don't know how to redirect it, you can't access it. However, humans can. Therefore, no information about it is to be given to personnel who are both sapient and biological. If any information leaks out, people who know how to control it can essentially redefine reality as anything they want, as seen from O5-4's transcendence. 

Inside can be anything. A location. A state of being. A description. A name. An idea. So, if you can create a pointer that can access all of those, and assign the meaning of Inside to anything, what can't you do? 

In short, SCP-2719 is a tool or interface that can point to an object and assign it the value of Inside. People are not to be given any further information, otherwise it's free omnipotence to whoever can find it out for themselves. 

The issue with SCP-2719 is that it holds a key phrase: "assigns the pointed-to object the value of inside." What does it mean to be Inside? It's this vagueness that can make an object then become the universal definition of Inside, or that the object then goes inside of whatever definition Inside is. 

That's the story of this SCP. Wouldn't it be great to have omnipotence? Only O5-4 knows. 

Inside of Inside of Inside of Inside of Inside... oh look I'm omnipotent.