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Thursday, September 6, 2018

SCP-2764: "Eldritch Antarctic" Part 1/2

Item #: SCP-2764
Object Class: Keter

Tags: BiologicalKeterObservationalSpacetimeTelepathicTemporal

SCP-2764 (Artist's Rendition)

Coming up now is SCP-2764, AKA the Eldritch Antarctic. The tags tell us that it's biological, hard to contain (keter), and affects observation along with telepathy and temporal (time) effects. Interesting! This SCP has extremely lengthy containment procedures, so I will be shortening it. If you wish to see the full version, click the Item #.

Special Containment Procedures: 
SCP-2764 is currently located in  █████ ████, Antarctica. A perimeter around the radius of SCP-2764 of 75 kilometers has been set. Any civilians within the radius of 150km of SCP-2764 are to be brought in for questioning and administered amnestics. Under no circumstances are any Foundation employees or civilians to get within 30km of SCP-2764. If they are found to have gone within that radius, the person in question is to be questioned thoroughly and either administered Class-A amnestics or terminated.
Ok, so, SCP-2764 is an entity located somewhere in Antarctica. It is either enormous to the point where it requires dozens of kilometers of space, or so hard to contain that it requires that much space. Either way, it's not looking good. There's also a 30km mark where people are to be either A. memory wiped, or B. Killed. Clearly the Foundation doesn't want anyone knowing about SCP-2764. The description is extensive, and as such, I will sadly have to shorten it.

SCP-2764 is a massive biological entity of unknown origin. It's height measures at about 382 meters and weighs over approximately 150,000 metric tons. It has 75-85 tentacles (estimates vary) and has 4 eyes on what is considered its head. It has anomalous properties including telepathy, rapid translocation of tentacles at supposedly random times, and the ability to "flicker". SCP-2764 never "flickers" past a distance of 25km and always returns back to its original location within 48 hours. The size of SCP-2764 also apparently does not follow Euclidean geometries, as it will be many times larger or smaller than it actually is, until you reach the critical zone, where SCP-2764 "blows up" or grow larger. 
The beginning is self explanatory. It's a huge biological thingy that came from nobody knows. It has lots of tentacles and has several abilities. These include the ability to communicate telepathically, rapidly moving its tentacles, and "flickering". What exactly is flickering? It says that it never "flickers" past 25km, so we can assume that it's some kind of ability to teleport or move extremely fast. Non-euclidean geometries are difficult to explain, so the simplest way to say it is that it's difficult to tell it's true size just by looking at it.

This SCP has Investigation Logs. These logs are also the meat of the story, describing the adventures of Mann and his team in researching SCP-2764. Let's get right into it.
Investigation Log, Day [1-3] 
Day 1: Subject appears to shrink as we get closer to it, which is strange, because it was growing until we reached a certain point. Also, its horrifically long tentacles move in a particularly strange manner. I plan to investigate further in the coming days and hopefully do a bit of my own research before they send in the main researchers and guards to take over. 

Signed, J. Mann

There's the non-euclidean geometry and translocation at work there. Mann seems really interested in the work he's going to be doing. The next few logs get longer, so I will be shortening them if I can. Again, if you want to read the full logs, click the Item #.
Day 2: Last night as I tried to sleep, I kept hearing a strange voice. While I cannot currently recall what it was saying, I am sure it has something to do with the beast out there. I personally see no other explanation, as I was alone and I have no history of hearing voices.

Signed, Mann. 

Day 2, Afternoon: I've gathered a few volunteers from the task force. Our job is to secure the anomaly until the main guards get here, not research it. Always better to have more than one person when it comes to witnessing events. I managed to convince 3 other guys to come with me. I plan on approaching this anomaly very closely. 

Signed, J. Mann.

Day 2, Evening: I am hearing this voice again. It is currently about 10 o'clock, PM, and I am trying to comprehend what it is saying. 
Signed, J. Mann.
J. Mann gathers his crew as he readies to approach the anomaly. Also, references to SCP-2764's telepathy. 

Day 3: One of the guys who volunteered said he couldn't go through with it. I can't blame him. I told him it was fine, and that he was free to go. When I asked him why, though, he told me that he had been hearing something talking to him last night. The other 2 seem to still be in it however.

Signed, Mann.
There are 2 other logs for Day 3, but they simply detail his conversation with his crew and setting off. Moving on to days 4-6. 
Investigative Log, Days [4-6] 
Day 4: We made it about a quarter of the way to the thing. The snow was deep and thick, and to be honest, I'm surprised we even made it a quarter of the way. No signs of any voices heard by myself or them. 

Signed, J. Mann.

Day 4, Afternoon: We covered about half the distance we did yesterday, so I would say we're close to halfway there. 3/8ths of the way there, to be exact. The snow is getting deeper as we approach the thing. It still continues to shrink as we approach it. 

Signed, J. Mann.

Day 4, Evening: A particularly quiet evening, nothing notable has occurred.

Signed, J. Mann.
They made it almost halfway in about a day. That's impressive. 
Day 5: One of the guys reported that he'd heard some strange voices last night. I asked him what they were saying before I revealed that I, too, had been hearing voices. He told me they were unintelligible. I expected this, but it is getting quite frustrating how nobody can decipher what the voices are saying.

Signed, Mann.

Day 5, Afternoon: We forgot our tissue analyzer from the last tent we set up, so we had to go back. We'll be back on track hopefully by the day after tomorrow.

Signed, J. Mann.

Day 5, Evening: The evening is quiet once again. I've heard no voices thus far, and the tracks in the snow were absent during our trek back to the old tent today.

Signed, J. Mann.

Day 5, Midnight: I've been lying awake for some time now. I've realized something's horribly out of the ordinary. As we approached the thing, it got smaller. Well, I would expect it to grow larger as we put more distance between it and ourselves. The problem is, it has not grown larger since this morning as we returned to the tent.

Signed, J. Mann.
That's strange. The creature hasn't been showing the effects of his non-euclidean geometry. Either it lost the effect... or its getting closer.
Day 6: The first opportunity I had, I told the other guys about my realization, and I asked what they thought we should do. We came to the decision to continue forth to the creature. For now, we trek on.

Signed, J. Mann.

Day 6, Evening: The creature has disappeared. We all agree that it was due southeast, but we've checked the compass again and again, but the thing is just no longer there. We will continue on for a day, and if it doesn't reappear, we head back.

Signed, J. Mann.
Oh dear. It's gone missing. Luckily Mann kept his head and decided on a logical plan forward.
Investigative Log, Day [7-9] 
Day 7: Once again, I heard the voice. It is now distinguishable as a single voice, as opposed to more than one. The most distinct words were "snow" and "back". The latter is especially eerie, but I can't think anything of it. The other 2 also heard this voice.

Signed, Mann.

Day 7, Afternoon: We've continued for some time now, but it is only three o'clock. The creature has reappeared where we expected it to be, but it has grown considerably smaller. We will continue till about five o'clock. 

Signed, J. Mann.
Day 7, Afternoon: It is five o'clock and 2 oddities have occurred. One, we have agreed that the past two hours were definitely a longer duration than 2 hours. On top of space, this creature must also incur a temporal anomaly as well. Second of all, and most disturbing, the tracks in the snow have reappeared. They reappeared last night, but the tracks are no longer human at this point, or anything of this earth. The closest thing I can think of is perhaps a squid which walks on land. This expedition has certainly exceeded its expected duration.  
Signed, J. Mann.
Weird things are starting to happen to the team. This doesn't seem good.
Day 8: We awoke early this morning to get a head start. Once again, new tracks appeared in the snow. This time, none of us had any doubt of their non-existence beforehand. If we do not make it to the creature within 2 days, we will abandon the trek and turn back. 

J. Mann

Day 8, Afternoon: It is 12 o'clock, and we have made it about nine-tenths of the way there. The creature continues to shrink, but we are definitely very close at this point. We are going to take a brief break and get a few hours of sleep in before we continue. We should lose little time, thanks to the temporal anomaly.

J. Mann

Day 8, Midnight: Our reliance on the temporal anomaly has failed us. It is currently midnight, but we only got a few hours of sleep. I've made the decision to continue forth. My fear for my own safety, and more importantly, my fear for their safety has gone to the point where I have taken full control of the expedition. No more votes.

J. Mann

Day 8-9 Transition: As we continued to walk, the voice made a very clear statement to all of us. This is not verbatim, as I could never hope to remember every incomprehensible word this creature has spoken to us, and I apologize for my vagueness, but we got the intended message. "Turn Back". The tone of voice did not imply any sort of anger or even a hint of territorial jealousy. It sounded more fearful than anything.
Turn back. Ominous, isn't it. The beast is now directly warning Mann and his team to leave, for reasons as of yet unknown.

Unfortunately, Part 1 must end here. Don't worry though, Part 2 is coming right up!

To be continued...

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