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Saturday, October 6, 2018

SCP-2470: "The Void" Part 1/2

Item #: SCP-2470
Object Class: Keter

Tags: CognitohazardInfohazardK-Class ScenarioKeterMind-AffectingObservationalRu (Russian)SCPTelepathicTranslation

Quick Note: This SCP was originally written in Russian, but was later translated to English. Personally, I felt that they did a great job of translating, but if there are any sections that are a bit vague, this would be the reason.

Welcome back to another SCP: Uncovered! Today, we're going over a behemoth of an SCP. This SCP consists of nearly 5000 words and uses a lot of SCP Wiki vocabulary. So here they are, in no particular order!

  • K-Class Scenario: In general, K-Class Scenarios describe apocalyptic scenarios. However, they're classified in different ways that depend on the severity and/or the way the apocalypse comes about. It's largely unregulated so definitions of each one varies. A good one to follow is this one.
  • Infohazard: An anomalous effect that triggers when the anomaly is described in any way. You don't have to sense it in any way to receive its effects, you just have to know it exists. This also affects data written about the anomaly.
  • Cognitohazard: A (normally dangerous) anomalous effect that triggers when you sense it using any of your five senses. An example would be going insane after smelling something, or tasting something that made you get a heart attack.
  • Amnestic: A drug that makes you forget. Severity of the drug depends on the classification.
That should cover most of it. Let's get started!

The Special Containment Procedures is... long. 2300 words long. Here's the important stuff.

To facilitate containment, Area-141 has been established at the site of discovery. On-site personnel are responsible for both containing the object, and protecting Area-151 from any and all outside threats. 

The central containment volume of Area-141 headquarters is a hyperboloid shaped room with a lower base diameter of 55 meters, upper base diameter of 42 meters, and 36 meters in height. There are 2 concentric icosahedron-shaped shells installed, with diameters of 8 and 12 meters respectively. There is to be high vacuum within the shells maintained by turbomolecular pumps. 
An Icosahedron (20 Sided Polyhedron)

A Hyperboloid

Area 141's power supply consists of no fewer than two independent external sources. The area within the inner concentric shell consists of the following:

  • 2 spontaneous decoherence generators (spec. product 2470-a)
  • 3 zero-veil generators (spec. product 2470-b)
  • a telepathy suppression device, created using SCP-███ 
It is essential to keep full stock of the aforementioned devices. In case stock supplies diminish, replacement devices are to be manufactured by Foundation facilities with the highest priority.
So everything about containing SCP-2470 is extremely complex, and for good reason. There's actually 1 more section to go over, but it's all just complicated jargon about the procedures of going into and fixing the shells. It also talks about how people can only communicate to the outside using hand signals.

On a more interesting note, they apparently throw extradimensional SCPs into the chamber in case of emergency breaches in an attempt to slow down its progress by forcing it to analyze objects that don't follow this universe's laws.

Let's check the description to see what's going on with this SCP.
SCP-2470 is a specific existential entity, or a perceptive element, which is objectively an initial manifestation of a ZK-class scenario. Due to insuperable obstacles related to its perception, the object's appearance, if it has any, remains unknown. Its current locus is determined indirectly, based on the area of effect it produces. 

Said effect is manifested through the instantaneous disappearance of any object or event perceived by SCP-2470 from objective reality. 
To simplify, SCP-2470 is a black hole of information. Anything perceived by SCP-2470 disappears from objective reality. It basically vanishes, never to be seen again. That's why the Foundation has so many precautions when it comes to containing this SCP. 

During the initial recovery of this SCP, the sound of the recovery agents' footsteps started disappearing. Soon afterward, large volumes of air started disappearing, causing hypobaric (lack of air) effects. What followed was the disappearance of the agents' legs, and finally, the agents themselves.

Smokescreens that were deployed also started disappearing, along with smoke grenades of the same type around the area, regardless of distance. Disappearance of soil created a crater of 200 meters deep to manifest at the location of discovery. 

Also in the description was:
According to the analysis of gathered data, it was reasonably established that the object possesses the following senses:
  • A perception of electromagnetic radiation in an extremely wide frequency range, including the visible spectrum.
  • A highly sensitive perception of mechanical stimuli, which is analogous to tactile sense and hearing.
  • A perception of [DATA EXPUNGED]
The following senses are reasonably likely to be possessed by the object:
  • A direct, yet severely limited, telepathic perception
  • A perception of certain quantum effects, particularly quantum superposition of states as a singular phenomenon.
Basically, it has the sense of touch, hearing, and vision beyond our own. Not only that, it has the potential of having telepathy and some sense of the quantum scale. Also hypothesized in the description is something called Weißschatten’s paradox. Basically, the paradox is how they contain the SCP. The paradox occurs when you perceive it, which then destroys your ability to perceive anything. The details aren't listed, but this paradox makes SCP-2470 "close its eyes." 

There are about 4 more sections I have yet to go over, but they are complex and require additional insight. As for now, this explanation ends here. Don't worry though, as always, part 2 is coming right up!

To be continued...

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