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Thursday, October 11, 2018

SCP-2470: "The Void" Part 2/2

Item #: SCP-2470
Object Class: Keter

Tags: CognitohazardInfohazardK-Class ScenarioKeterMind-AffectingObservationalRu (Russian)SCPTelepathicTranslation

A Black Hole with Space Ripples

Welcome back to another SCP: Uncovered, and also, Part 2 of SCP-2470. If you haven't already, read Part 1 so you can understand what's going on here. We left off with the description and how it was capable of devouring ideas and physical objects. This led to extremely strange and complicated containment procedures. Now to continue!
Many researchers really want to research this... thing. However, the Foundation doesn't let them (for obvious reasons). So all they can have are hypotheses. From these hypotheses, they theorize that SCP-2470 is a ZK-Class End-of-Reality scenario (read vocabulary on Part 1 for more details). The short way of describing this is that, if let loose, it will consume all of reality and end it.

Now, they already found out a way to neutralize this enormous threat to all of reality, by using Weißschatten’s paradox. Through this definition-less paradox, they can insert a destructive memetic agent that bypasses its senses. So why haven't they already done that?

After reading a bit further down, you'll see a small drop down section asking for a level 4 validation code.
According to another hypothesis, the idea of SCP-2470 as a cognizing entity is not quite correct, as a ZK-class scenario can leave behind neither any knowledge of the current existence, nor any entities possessing such knowledge... From this perspective the cognizing nature of the object appears to be merely an illusion, caused by its dualistic position relative to the "forgetting" nature of the universe... From this point of view the effectiveness of the developed neutralization seems very dubious.
That was a long-winded explanation as to why the proposed way of neutralization probably won't work. To simplify, the hypothesis states that SCP-2470 probably can't learn or understand anything at all, meaning that any method to neutralize it by using memetic hazards (sensory hazards) or infohazards (dangerous information) probably won't work.

This does present a new question though. Why haven't they tried it at all? Surely an attempt to neutralize a ZK-class end of reality scenario can only be a good thing, right? 

Skipping past the recovery log, we see an O5's message to everyone at Site-141. 

Dear colleagues! 
After the command of Area-141 informed me of certain popular perceptions among your community, I saw it right to explain certain particularities regarding our policy on SCP-2470.
Yes, this object is exactly as dangerous as you were told or, probably, even more. Thus far our only salvation was the fact that the embryonic state of its mind cannot comprehend many of the things we consider obvious: that air is not nothingness and exists not just when it feels a breeze, that Earth is a celestial body of a finite size, that the Sun is not a flat shining spot on the horizon, that people, despite how different they are, all represent humankind as a whole, and so on.
Yes, it is essential to keep the object in complete isolation and to avert any transmission of the most insignificant information at any cost. It learns very fast and we can never be sure which grain of knowledge it lacks to be given a nudge to the ideas of space, time, infinity and universe.
Yes, it is both difficult and dangerous to contain such an object, and yes, we do possess a procedure of its neutralization. Why are we not engaging it?
The reason is because the containment itself is of a huge strategic value to us. The thing is, according to research on this subject, simultaneous occurrence of two ZK-class scenarios is fundamentally impossible. Therefore, as long as one of them is being contained, we guarantee that the others, which might not be so easily controlled anyhow, will not happen.
In fact, we were very lucky that this object took a form that can be contained at acceptable cost, so it would not be sensible to lose such opportunity. Therefore, containment will be carried out as long as we can manage, with neutralization being planned only for such an extreme case when the object's direct threat will be big enough to negate all of our prospects of carrying this policy out in the future, along with the future itself.
Through thick and thin you have to know that your work guarantees humanity's continued existence. Treat it properly.
Secure. Contain. Protect.

Sincerely yours, О5-█.

So what does this entire thing mean? The first part is the O5 telling the employees of Site-141 of the policy on SCP-2470. He admits that it is dangerous to keep something like this around, and that they do have a process of neutralization.

Why hasn't he already ordered the neutralization of one of the most dangerous entities the Foundation has found? It's because SCP-2470 is a ZK-class scenario, and there can't be more than 1 at a time. Otherwise, what would happen if one of them met the other? Would one overpower the other? Or would one simply vanish? There's no way of knowing, as they literally operate outside the bounds of reality. 

This is why they believe that if they contain this one ZK-class scenario, they can effectively stop any other ZK-class scenario from happening. 

The second addendum simply tells you about how they plan on neutralizing it, and it's nothing special. Now, the final addendum is interesting. 
This document is intended for the medical staff of Area 141 only. Divulgence of any details contained herein is to result in termination. Any other employee displaying knowledge of the contents of this document is to be (aside from an appropriate disciplinary action) treated with an A-class amnestic and transferred to another Foundation facility.
The medical staff of Area 141 are to pay extra attention to psychological health assessment of employees during periodical personnel surveys. Aside from disorders that are natural for conditions of strenuous work, special effort must be put into discovering the following complex of symptoms:
  • Repetitive dreams featuring an abstract pulsing and growing black mass, identified as SCP-2470 by the examinee;
  • Total lack of any dreams soon thereafter (in less than a week);
  • Flattening of affects, progressive indifference to surroundings, and reactions becoming mechanical;
  • Repeating episodes in which the examinee looks at a common everyday object for a long time with an uncommon curiosity.
A lack of any discernible dreams lasting for two weeks is considered a sufficient warrant for a suspension and quarantine assessment. The quarantine implicates a termination of any forms of communication with any personnel not involved in the process of assessment.
To ensure reliable diagnosis, a trust relationship with the personnel is to be set and maintained. It is recommended to present the practice of regular discussions of dreams as a preliminary phase of psychological survey, aimed at distraction from the current situation and relaxation. The keen interest in nightmares can be explained as a search for hidden reasons for nervousness and analysis of suppressed fears.
The aforementioned diagnosis should be given top priority for personnel involved in procedures taking place inside the containment volume and central shells, and especially for those who spent unscheduled time inside for whatever reasons. The latter are to be quarantined immediately and thoroughly examined for no less than two weeks. Everyone who spent more than an hour and a half inside the outer shell or more than an hour inside the inner shell are to be considered to fail the inspection, regardless of observed state.
All diagnosed cases are to be processed as soon as possible. Employees with diagnosed symptoms are to be put in an artificial coma under pretense of an insignificant surgical intervention, given two complete cycles of D-class amnestic treatment, and subsequently euthanized by a neurotoxin injection and cremated. The rest of personnel are to be given a cover story implicating that the employee is dismissed for medical reasons and transferred to another Foundation facility.

What does this mean for the staff of Area-141? This document shows that contact with SCP-2470 can sometimes cause a reaction in which people become... afflicted with some sort of ailment. This ailment is clearly a huge risk to people within the area, so medical staff are to immediately terminate, or kill, these afflicted people. Nobody else is to know that they are dead either. I wonder how many people within the area know someone that is "dismissed." 

SCP-2470 is considered by many to be one of the most complex SCPs out there, due to the extensive containment procedures and complex wording within the entire article. It's not exactly my favorite article, but it definitely needed some uncovering.

tl;dr: TheV̰͉̹̯̬̲̫̇́̅̃̆̇̌͟Ǫ̯̥̎̋̔͆̈́͟͟I̸̛͚͓͉͔̐͆̀̿̀͊͝͝ͅͅD̡̜̮̙̟̲̿̐͋̄̓́̊͢͠͝will eat everything. However, if we stop the V̰͉̹̯̬̲̫̇́̅̃̆̇̌͟Ǫ̯̥̎̋̔͆̈́͟͟I̸̛͚͓͉͔̐͆̀̿̀͊͝͝ͅͅD̡̜̮̙̟̲̿̐͋̄̓́̊͢͠͝from eating, 

there won't be any other V̰͉̹̯̬̲̫̇́̅̃̆̇̌͟Ǫ̯̥̎̋̔͆̈́͟͟I̸̛͚͓͉͔̐͆̀̿̀͊͝͝ͅͅD̡̜̮̙̟̲̿̐͋̄̓́̊͢͠͝s

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